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I offer holistic services to help you reconnect to your true essence and higher purpose in life.

We will use the best technique for you through an integrative approach of body, mind, emotion and energy.

We will care for the physical, mental, emotional and energetic body with the best technique for you.
A session will last around 1 hour and c
an be done online (except for Facial Reflexology).

Energy Healing

Experience deep relaxation and energy balancing through this gentle, hands-on technique. Reiki channels universal energy to promote overall wellness and harmony.


Unlock your potential by reprogramming limiting beliefs. This powerful meditation technique taps into theta brain waves to resolve blockages in various aspects of your life, fostering positive change.


Unblock life situations through the power of radionic board and sacred geometry. This method can also activate Buddhic Columns to cleanse and protect the energy of spaces.

Yoga Meditation

Embrace traditional Raja Yoga teachings from the renowned Kaivalyadhama Institute in India. This millenary scientifically-backed practice enhances meditation skills and overall well-being.

Facial Reflexology

Alleviate stress, anxiety, and other health concerns through the Sorensensistem™ method, which combines ancient techniques and modern neuroscience. By stimulating facial meridians, we positively influence your body's energy systems, muscles, organs, and hormones.

It doesn’t replace medical treatments from a psychologist or doctor

What Are Mandalas
A mandala, meaning "circle" in Sanskrit, is a symbolic design deeply rooted in ancient traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Carl Jung, a renowned psychologist, also explored mandalas, describing them as "archetypes of wholeness" in his work "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious" (1959). Mandalas are considered portals of energy that can help you reconnect with your inner self, speaking to your unconscious mind through their intricate geometry, symbols, and beauty.


What Are High Vibrational Mandalas

High Vibrational Mandalas are more than just beautiful artwork – they're commissioned, handmade energy portals that guide you to your true essence and illuminate your life's purpose.

Each mandala is crafted with intention, channeled specifically for you through a specific process of meditation, energy cleansing, chakra balancing and other holistic tools. Using sacred geometry, intuitive color choices, and meaningful symbols, I craft a visual portal that resonates with your unique energetic needs


Why Choose a High Vibrational Mandala

Every piece of art holds a vibration, imprinted with the artist's intention, feelings, and emotions. Through this specialized method, I become a clear channel connected to your energetic essence. The result? A unique and exclusive mandala vibrating at healing frequencies and connected to your personal frequency. By resonating with the mandala's high frequencies, you also raise your energetic state. By engaging with its symbolism, you can foster deeper insights and make transformative changes in your life.


What to Expect

Experience the Benefits:

  • Elevate your energetic state

  • Foster deep personal insights

  • Facilitate transformative life changes

  • Create a focal point for meditation and reflection

Your Journey Includes:

  • A one-of-a-kind, handcrafted mandala

  • A written interpretation of your mandala's symbolism

  • Certificate of authenticity


How to Use Your Mandala

  • Enhancing your home

  • Creating an inspiring workspace

  • Finding the ideal design for a meaningful tattoo or logo​


Types of Mandalas
1. Recipient:

Personal: Crafted for individuals, babies, or animals.
Relationship: Designed for families, partnerships, or other relationships.
Companies or Institutions: Tailored for specific businesses or institutions (e.g., offices, rooms).
Universal: Created with universal themes like health, love, peace, joy, and creativity.

2. Intention:

Specific Intention: Focused on themes like health, love, or abundance.
General Intention: Brings the vibration needed to align with your higher purpose.

Custom sizes

Order your commissioned mandala with customized material and sizes

Learn practical techniques to experience living on purpose.

Breathing Exercise

Listening to your body is essential for maintaining health and well-being. It helps you recognize signs of stress, fatigue, and discomfort before they escalate into more serious issues. By being attuned to your body’s needs, you can make informed choices that support your physical and mental health.


Holding space for your emotions means allowing yourself to fully experience and acknowledge them without judgment or suppression. This practice is essential for emotional health and healing, as it helps you process feelings, reduce stress, and prevent emotional buildup that can lead to physical and mental health issues.


Limiting beliefs hold you back from reaching your full potential. They create barriers to success, happiness, and fulfillment. By identifying and redefining these beliefs, you open the door to new possibilities and opportunities to act instead of react.

Reiki Treatment

Your intuition is a powerful inner guide that can lead you to greater clarity, insight, and wisdom. By awakening your intuition, you enhance your ability to make better decisions, connect deeply with others, and navigate life with confidence and ease.

It doesn’t replace medical treatments from a psychologist or doctor

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